Sunday, February 23, 2014

Red Hook: Sticky Bun Heaven at Home/Made

Thy and I went to a small little cafe/restaurant in Red Hook called Home/Made for brunch recently, where we found possibly the best sticky buns in Brooklyn.

But first, we each ordered a main meal.  T ordered the French Toast.  This was not your ordinary French Toast.  It had a real blend of interesting flavors.  The pears and apples added a strong fruit flavor, the cherries added tartness and the caramel sauce added a little bit of bitterness.  Very creative overall, although it actually could have used some additional sweetness.

French Toast ★★★★☆

I ordered the Wild Mushrooms and Fontina Scramble, which had a nice lightness.  The potatoes were well-seasoned and I liked the texture of the mushrooms mixed in with the eggs.  Overall, the scramble was enjoyable but not spectacular.  I also ordered a side of  Chicken and Apple Sausage, which was very good.  There was an unexpected sweetness to the sausage and great flavor.

Wild Mushrooms and Fontina Scramble ★★★★☆

The best part of this meal, however, was the Sticky Pecan Buns.  We just ordered 1 sticky bun, which came out warm and buttery.  What I really liked about it though was that it was not overly sweet.  The outside is crunchy like a croissant and the raisins add a perfectly simple tartness.  The crunchiness of the outside is due to some slight caramelization and it was just awesome.  The flavor is great, the texture is great, and I don't even know where you can find a sticky bun as good as this one.  This is the type of thing you want to tell all your family and friends about.

Sticky Pecan Buns ★★★★★

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