Saturday, March 16, 2013

Williamsburg: Average Thai Food at Sugar Beets

Woke up craving some Asian food today so T and I headed to Williamsburg for lunch.  We originally wanted to eat pho at a Vietnamese place called Nha Toi, but it wasn't open when we got there.  So we walked around for a little bit and settled on a Thai place called Sugar Beets.  T got pad thai, which she gets at every Thai restaurant (along with other stuff).  The pad thai at Sugar Beets was sweet, but did not have the spice or tom yuminess that I prefer in a pad thai.  It did not taste authentic and is not something I would go back for. 

Pad Thai ★☆☆
I wanted to be healthy today so I ordered the Clear Noodle Soup with tofu and vegetables.  When made right, this is one of my favorite soups.  It's one of the things I go for when I want something healthy but comforting.  Sugar Beets' soup, however, lacked any flavor whatsover.  I had to add soy sauce, lemon and chili sauce to make it any good (although it did taste pretty good after I added those).  But still, I hate getting served food that is really bland.

Clear Noodle Soup ☆☆☆

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